Curtis Patterson |
Welcome home to Women's Dream Team™. My name is Curtis Patterson
and I am a single mother of two children who is absolutely
ecstatic to be able to tell you what our organization has done
to change my entire life and the lives of my children forever. A
college graduate with an advanced degree, I went into Corporate
America at a young age to make my way to the top of the
corporate ladder in sales. Very quickly, I climbed the ladder to
success only to fall after the most recent stock market crash
where corporation after corporation came tumbling down. In fact,
America is still reeling over the effects of the technology
economy where stocks diminished to a few dollars a share. I
found myself without a job, spending my executive retirement 25
years too soon, and trying hard not to file bankruptcy at one
point in time. By this time, the world had changed and the jobs had become
scarce. I found that stepping back onto the ladder was not as
easy as it had been before. Interviews were scarce, positions
were specialized, and if you didn't have an insider segue into
your market, your chances were slim.
My dreams were stolen away from me. But a lot has changed
since those dark days of pure every day survival. It seems like
a long time ago that I had to make ends meet with garage sales,
odd jobs, temporary positions, and discouraging job interviews
while looking for the position that was right for me financially
and personally. I longed for a way to be financial successful
again and use my mind in a corporate like opportunity without
the corporate structure and discrimination. I also longed to be
a wonderful mother whose children would thrive from the love and
support of being home for them.
My dreams came true with The Women's Dream Team™. My days are
now filled with a resounding job and excitement to be able to
work from home and be a part of this amazing organization whose
business model is the key to success for anyone who is willing
to step up to the plate. I found the perfect blend of partnering
in a virtual corporate environment with a team of committed
women who help empower others every single day!
Ladies, if your dreams have been shattered or your hopes
crushed like mine were, it is only temporary. Do not let anyone
steal your dreams. Women's Dream Team™ gave my dreams back to me
again. They are more alive than ever before and within reach! I
will be forever grateful for finding Women's Dream Team™. You
must reach for the dream that stirs within you. Whatever is real
to you in your hopes or aspirations, you can accomplish with a
little hard work in our organization. I am happy to tell you
that I am now an executive of this organization, not only making
ends meet but stashing back the savings that the locusts ravaged
some years ago. My children will be able to go to college soon,
and I am able to feel secure for retirement.
Let us show you a way to make your future complete and full
of the dreams you have for yourself and your precious family.
Let us show you how to create a financially secure freedom with
an income beyond any corporate level today. Your dreams will be
restored to you here. There is a reason you found us. We will be
the wind beneath your wings if you can dare to dream and learn
to fly again.
Janet Marie Crescenzo |
Greetings, and a warm welcome to Women's
Dream Team. My name
is Janet Marie Crescenzo, a mother of four children, and proud
to say, a grandmother of four. I am the oldest and only daughter
of Don & Mil Cain, with four younger brothers. We are a close
family from humble beginnings, my dad is still in construction
and my mom to this day is a wonderful homemaker. We all live in
South Jersey, the garden state, and I thank God that we are all
doing well.
My background has prepared me well for the mission of Women's
Dream Team, because total wellness has been my passion for
over 30 years. After high school, I attended college to gain a
degree as a respiratory therapist. I worked in the cardio
pulmonary department with heart and chronic lung patients and it
was then that I made the decision to take control of my own
health and well being. With continuing education in the field of
wellness, I became certified as a massage therapist through Our
lady of Lourdes Holistic Institute, which exposed me to a world
of holistic modalities.
I practiced in my field for many years until I met and
married the man of my dreams, Phil Crescenzo. I put my career on
hold to raise our four children, Michele, Phil Jr., Christian
and Rachel. I was on a mission to make our home environmentally
safer for our children to the extent that I made my own home
hygiene and personal care products. I wanted to avoid the harsh
toxic chemicals that are found in those types of commercial
products. Chemicals like, formaldehyde, phenol, dioxin, ammonia,
bleach, and an arsenal of petrochemicals that are now linked to
many of the diseases that we are faced with today. The
statistics are out, they are no longer a secret, and here are
some that I would like to share with you.
Every year 5-10 million household poisonings are reported,
the immediate result of accidental ingestion of cleaning,
personal care and common household products. Many of these
poisonings are fatal, and most of the victims are children.
Asthma is up over 600% in children, allergies are out of
control, the use of Ritalin is up ten-fold, and cancer is now
the number one killer of children. As far as our environment is
concerned, we have done more damage to our oceans by the use of
commercial detergents than all of the oil spills in history
I don't want to be perceived as an alarmist, but these are
facts that need to be shared and this is part of our mission at
Women's Dream Team™.
Now on the brighter side, 11 years ago we were so fortunate
to have discovered a company that is now international that has
truly enhanced our lives. A company that has made it possible
for us to rid our homes of toxic commercial brands and replace
them with environmentally safer products at a better price. A
company that provides state of the art nutritional products,
pharmaceuticals, home hygiene, personal care and cosmetics. We
have been able to introduce this wonderful company to our close
friends and family members and the results have been incredible.
We now have several thousand customers who buy wholesale, direct
from the company. While enhancing many lives, we were able to
build a substantial six-figure income that has lasted over 11
years. The company sales have soared over the 500 million mark
and are destined to be in the billions.
What does all of this information mean to us at Women's Dream
Team? First we want to let you know that we are assembling a
team of motivated moms and professionals to spread the word
about our company. We are educating women on environmental and
health issues with timely and insightful information. We are
empowering women to take charge of their financial futures by
utilizing their talents and abilities to make their own dreams
come true. We are inviting you to be part of our "Dream Team"
where knowledge, nutrition and lifestyle are the keys, and the
sky is the limit.
Carol Booker |
Hi, my name is Carol Booker and I live in a little town
outside of Yosemite National Park called Oakhurst. I've lived
here since 1993 in my dream house with my husband, Terry, of 37
years. But the question was, "Will we be able to keep it."
I've always said that we have different chapters of our life.
At first, growing up through our youth, getting married, making
a happy home were dreams. I dreamed and longed to have children
but after two surgeries, I learned that this wasn't a dream I
would personally realize. That was so painful. My husband,
however, had three beautiful daughters and I enjoyed watching
them grow. And now we are enjoying our grandchildren.
Then another chapter comes in our life. For many of us, that
chapter includes being caregivers for our parents. I helped my
Mom care for my Dad in his final three years before his death.
At the same time, my father-in-law, who had lived with us for 17
years, was ill and died two weeks before my father died.
A year after our Dads died, Terry and I moved up to our
"Dream House" and brought my Mom with us. She lived her last six
years in our beautiful mountain area. She was 86 years old, and
oh, what stock she was made of! It made me appreciate good
health even more. She and our Dads had good food, clean air and
pure water, and what we once took for granted are now problems
throughout the country.
In 2001, Terry was told he had cancer. In this chapter of our
life together, I appreciated even more how important it was to
watch what we ate. We chose to go the natural route. By changing
his diet and having a regimen of supplements and good physician
care, Terry has been cancer-free for three years.
Terry spent 35 years in the decking business, but that
chapter of his life is now coming to a close. In March 2005,
Terry said, "This is it. This will be the last summer for
working." We both believed that we would have to move from our
dream home because, after all, when you work for yourself, there
is no pension. I said, "No, let me see if I can start a business
or do something to contribute to our income."
Now, I say, who is going to hire a 61-year-old women who
worked for her husband for 35 years and doesn't use a computer
at all? Well my friend Marsha happened to call the day after
we'd realized that we would have to move. I told her my dilemma.
"Carol ," she said, "I'm working with a group of ladies and
their businesses are growing by leaps and bounds. Try it" I took
her up on her offer, and joined the Women's Dream Team™. I have
to say that since coming on board, life has been delightful!
This final chapter of our life, retirement, is so much more
promising now. I don't have to worry about relocating at our
age. Rather, I'm making new business partners and we are working
shoulder-to-shoulder to fulfill our dreams together.
Now I not only get to stay here in the house I'd always
envisioned, but I have a new goal: we will pay the house off in
order to enjoy our senior years with financial security from our
partner company. Right now we have our faith, good health,
cherished friendships and a wonderful hope. I do welcome all of
you to dream along with us and see your own dreams come true.
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